Rhein Gegend

...alle Infos zum schönen Rhein

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cornelius_boersch In spring 2010 we the scientist and biologist by Conny led against the Alpine Rhine. There were many memorable days for the whole team. We had had wonderful weather and the sun from the spectacle a dream ware opera.

The trip bagann on Lake Constance. The Alpine Rhine flows into an inland delta in Lake Constance. There you can observe the power of the water carefully. Suddenly, the clear, in good weather, blue sea water suddenly dirty and cloudy. There's even water clouds there - as if one had poured a bucket-brown color in the lake: We are at the Rhein-crushing, the site in the Alps, flows the Rhine, with sediment-water in Lake Constance. This formal meeting of river and lake, you can very well recognize as the fog billowing brown river water masses from the sailing ship, or significantly better from the helicopter perspective.

cornelius-boersch-team The next morning started with the hike in the nature reserve Rhine in the Rhine Delta. Even in this area, we found incredible beautiful pictures of the interaction of mountains, forest and river. Impressed by the view we listened to lectures by Conny. It knows the counter around the Alenrhein as his own pocket. Finally, Mr. Boersch near the Alprheins born and grew up here. The "small" Cornelius was already taken by his father on his travels around the Rhine region.

We visited the source of the Rhine in the canton of Ticino and spent the night in the same hotel. The source of the Rhine is a perfect match colors of blue, green, gray and white. Due to the huge partially snow-covered Alps of the Lake Toma will only really advantage. The walk from the Oberalp Pass to Airolo in Ticino, I can only recommend any nature lovers hikers.

Mr. Cornelius Boersch - thank you for the unforgettable moments and your wonderful leadership Rhine!

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